Equity in Individual Lessons
Equity in Individual Lessons
Can you believe that spring is already here, and the school
year is nearly done? By now most likely, you have systems and routines in place
and your classroom feels much different than it did in the early fall. As the year progresses, we get to know our students and learn what techniques
and invitations work the best for each one of them. Our lessons seem to come
more naturally as our skills and observation become more attuned to each one of
the individuals that we are working with. This is the time it can be easy to fall into
habits that we may not necessarily realize we are falling into.
Now is the perfect time to do some data gathering and engage in active self-reflection on the children who are receiving individual presentations. Without us being aware, certain students receive many more lessons than others. Some children are quiet and never ask for lessons. Those children can fall “under the radar” and may not receive an adequate number of presentations. Sometimes we have children that are hard to give lessons to and unconsciously we avoid them. This is all part of being human and taking agency of our self-awareness.
I challenge you to do
some reflection and gathering of data. For a week, or two is even better, keep
a detailed log of the students who are receiving lessons from you each
day. Analyze your data to see who may
not be receiving regular lessons from you. Think about why that might be. Is it behavior, a learning difference you do not know how to accommodate for, or is it unconscious bias? Addressing root causes is a priority. Engage in some active planning for the following week to make sure
that all children have the same opportunities for individual lessons with you. Remember: we don't know what we don't know until we do!
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